the duckyblog

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Yet Another Spanish Blog

Hello everyone, from a comfortable office chair in the South East of England. "What? But Sarah's in Spain!" I hear you holler. Well, you are correct, Sarah is in Spain. I however am not. By a bizarre mix of threats, insults and 'a look that is impossible to refuse', she has managed to hire the services of the me to write this blog. The me being Dickybod/Richard/'chard/whatever else you want to call me. By the great medium of MSN Messenger, Sarah is telling me about her day, and based on what she tells me, I am writing here. Yup, i could just copy and paste it, but I think I'd best put a little effort into this, or I may have some very thoroughly kicked shins at a later date...


So, where to start?

anyway, i went to the nudist beach yesterday

That'll do. Ok, so from what i can gather from the conversation I'm having, Sarah went to a beach where the novelty value was found in the total lack of clothing on most of the patrons. A place where, true to form, lack of clothing (as a necessity) was experienced by the author of this blog and her friends (well, the female ones at least. As you probably read in the last post, they disallowed the inclusion of their male companion into this nude excursion).

Jeez, cheers Sarah. How can you be tasteful and tactful when talking about large amounts of people with no clothes on. MALE AUTHOR!!!!

Well, anyway. With clothes removed (stay focused...) Sarah and her chums enjoyed a slight swim, before attempting to avoid the gaze of the obligatory teenage boys peering over the fence at all the naked people.


At this point she says that this proabaly isn't suitable material for her blog, and I rather agree, but since she has been offline for the last 20 minutes in her quest to gather more time on the internet, in order to tell me more suitable things to type, this is all I have, so I'm going to type it.

So what did Sarah learn from her day on the beach?

  1. Strutting around starkers can be very liberating
  2. LOTS of suncream needed. I don't want to imagine what the consequences would be...
  3. Naked men are much less attractive than naked women (her words, I hasten to add)

Well, seeing as she isn't back yet, I may just have to post this without her approval, allowing the words above to be a possible slur on her character from the cynical author she requested to write them. It also mean this focuses to much on the nudity, and I'm sure that wasn't all she did.#

Ok! She's back, after some young rapscallion (yes, i really do use words like that) stole her computer. Ok, now for some more tasteful topics!


They put there clothes back on, and went back to the clothed beach, then hung around the capsite for a bit, when the author read some of MY copy of Stupid White Men, then dinner at the camp restaurant, where Sarah (different other) and Theo abondoned Sarah (author Sarah), Hannah and Stephanie at a table. At this point the started telling the waiters that non-author Sarah fancied the fat one who served the chips ('Chip-Boy', who looked like another waiter who was then christened 'Chip-Boy-Bro'). Hannah spent the evening attempting to convince author Sarah it would be interesting to wave and blow kisses at chip-boy-bro, only to have the effect of half the restaurant staff thinking they were mad, and the other half thinking they fancied them.

Slow down Sarah I can't type this fast!!!

They then 'mosied' down to the beach where Hannah got very drunk with some French lads, while the rest chatted to some dutch boys who are apparantly going to take them to some rock tomorrow and show them the view. They also plan to flirt with a person who works in some shop (if your that person, run, run away NOW), though Sarah tells me she wont be doing any actual flirting, just asstisting the others. That's author Sarah, not non-author Sarah.

Oh, and we're back on the naked issue. I think I should just publish this post...

Hopefully Sarah should be back with her normal blend of sanity and slightly more coherent writing style.

Richard xxx

PS. If you found this post humorous, while finding the tremendously bad set out and spelling tremendously endearing, pop over to my own blog! It's full of witty and cynical posts such as these! End Advertising.


  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger Chard said…

    Why, what a fantastic post!v The author is obviously a sterling chap, witty, while tremendously handsome, intelligent, and generally the sort of person that has to beat ladies away with a large stick!

    Well, i can dream can't I?

  • At 12:13 PM, Blogger Chard said…

    AH, just realised I messed up the fonting at the end... dernit...


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