the duckyblog

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Me? Bitter? Never!

I spent hours writting you all a lovely long post today, and then blogger went and deleted it just as I'd finished. I have Vectors and Matrices work to do and no time to write another post, so here is my time in Oxford in photo form instead.

Just in case you had any doubts that I was truely in Oxford. This is what we look like the entire time.

We had a Halloween party, I was an angel...

...Richard came to see me...

...and Jon got drunk, shame you can't read about it in my deleted post.

I went to an art exhibition! Aren't I cultured! I talked about in my post...

More art exhibition fun. Statto, the second-year brick merchant, is on the left, but you won't know who he is, because blogger deleted that.

Jon, complating the bricks we found for bookends. The entire story was in the post, but no, blogger deleted it...