the duckyblog

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Blogger Barbeque

I am delighted to inform you all that a final date has been confirmed for the blogger barbeque.

It will be on Sunday 3rd of July from about 1pm onwards, at my house.

For those of you who don't know where I live (everyone except Sophie, Jess'n'Chris, Helen O and Richard), it will come as no surprise to you that I'm not putting my home address up on the internet.

Richard's friends (Lewis, Jon, Dave C, Dave J, Steve, Louis, Dan, Stompp), Richard will meet you at West Wickham station at a time he will arrange with you all.

Helen O's friends (Fan and Hane), although I haven't really talked to Helen about this, I assume that she will somehow get you to my house. Is that ok Helen?

For all of those who live with me (Helen), the barbeque will be held at the bottom of the garden. Turn right out of the back door and walk in a straight line until you hit the shed.

If there's anyone else I've already invited but left out here, don't worry, you're still invited, and if there's anyone I haven't yet invited who you feel should be included, comment and tell me so and I shall endevour to rectify the situation. Comment and let me know who's coming, so I know how many to get food for. Thank you!

p.s. Helen tells me that I should tell you all it is an entirely vegetarian barbeque. Any dish suggestions? Comment and let me know.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Well, I do hate to let a bandwagon roll past...

01. Comment with your name and I will write a short phrase describing you.
02. I will then tell you what I admire about you.
03. I will make up a short drabble with the both of us in it.
04. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
05. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.
06. Put this in your journal.